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Dental Implant Procedure - Richmond, VA

Tailored Techniques to Replace Missing Teeth

Advanced Dental Care | Darnell’s Story

Enjoy Gap-Free Smiles

The impact of missing teeth extends beyond oral health, affecting overall well-being and self-confidence, leading to hesitation in social interactions. The consequences, including changes in facial structure and an aging appearance, underscore the importance of a reliable solution.

Dental implants stand as the “gold standard” for addressing tooth loss, offering a permanent restoration that not only enhances oral health but also improves the aesthetics and function of multiple teeth simultaneously. At Advanced Dental Care of Richmond, our skilled team specializes in dental implants, providing a lasting solution to transform your smile and elevate your quality of life.

What Is a Dental Implant?

Comprising three essential components – a post, an abutment, and a dental prosthesis – dental implants represent a versatile and highly favored solution for tooth restoration. Unlike traditional dentures, dental implants are securely anchored in your jawbone, providing unparalleled stability, function, and aesthetic customization.

Under the expert guidance of our team, we specialize in dental implant treatments, catering to a diverse range of cases. Utilizing cutting-edge technologies and top-quality materials, we ensure optimal results for every patient. Immerse yourself in a life of health, function, and confidence with our dental implant expertise!

Dental Implant Benefits

Am I A Candidate for Dental implants?

Tailored Treatments Designed for Your Smile

Dental Implants

Single dental implants offer a tailored solution for restoring individual missing teeth. Consisting of a post, an abutment, and a dental prosthesis, this approach provides a natural-looking and functional replacement, seamlessly integrating with adjacent teeth. Our team specializes in the precision placement of single dental implants, ensuring each patient experiences a personalized and aesthetically pleasing outcome.

Dental Bridges

Dental bridges serve as a seamless solution for replacing multiple missing teeth within the same arch. We may recommend dental bridges to restore your smile by anchoring prosthetic teeth onto healthy adjacent teeth. This reliable option not only enhances aesthetics but also improves oral function, providing a stable and durable restoration for a more complete smile.

Implant-Supported Dentures

Implant-supported dentures represent an advanced and stable alternative to traditional dentures. By attaching the dentures to dental implants securely anchored in the jawbone, patients experience improved stability, enhanced comfort, and increased confidence in their smiles. By specializing in the precise placement of implant-supported dentures, we ensure patients enjoy the long-term benefits of a secure and natural-feeling tooth replacement solution.

Full Mouth Dental Implants

Full mouth dental implants provide a comprehensive and transformative solution for individuals with significant tooth loss. This approach involves the strategic placement of dental implants to support a full set of prosthetic teeth, restoring both aesthetics and function. Our team excels in the intricate process of full mouth dental implants, ensuring you enjoy the benefits of a complete and permanent smile, often surpassing the stability and functionality of natural teeth.

A Three-Step Smile Process

Step One: Consultation & Digital Diagnostics

At Advanced Dental Care of Richmond, we embrace a personalized approach to dental implant treatment tailored to address your unique oral health needs and smile aspirations. Like every procedure, we’ll start with a consultation to discuss your smile goals, dental concerns, and medical history. We’ll dive deep into what you want for the outcome of your treatment, whether a single dental implant or full mouth dental implant. We’ll obtain digital X-rays and craft your custom treatment plan based on your facial structure, oral health needs, and lifestyle.

Step Two: Hand-Crafted Procedures

To ensure your comfort throughout your visit, we’ll present various sedation options, allowing you to select the one that aligns with your preferences. Depending on the current state of your oral health, we may need to perform tooth extractions or bone grafting, both of which will be discussed with clear explanations to ensure you are fully aware of what to expect. From here, we’ll perform the procedure by making small incisions within your jawbone and placing the appropriate number of dental implants at a 45-degree angle. Once placed, we’ll attach an abutment to each post and place your temporary restoration on top so you can immediately enjoy the benefits of your new smile.

Step Three: Healing & Final Restoration

Over the next 4-6 months, the implants integrate with your jawbone through osseointegration. This essential step ensures a stable and enduring foundation. Once your mouth is fully healed, we’ll place your custom-crafted final restoration, inviting you to savor a life filled with radiant and healthy smiles!

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